Friday, April 8, 2016

Review: Blowhard

Blowhard Blowhard by Katina French
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

•••I listened to the Audible Audio Edition of this book•••

Jason Davidson did a good job conveying all the different characters and their personalities but I have to say my favorite character was Elias. He was, by far, the most interesting character! Brave and loyal and unable to be cowed, he was an inspiration both to the reader and all the other protagonists in the book :)


The Big Bad W.O.L.F Machine

This series does not need to be listened to (or read) in order as it consists of stories just based in the same world and not necessarily connected to each other via plot or storyline. This is the first book written based in this world. I suggest listening to (or reading)  Bitter Cold first though (as I did) because it seems to be the first book chronilogically speaking. I can't wait to listen to more!

The Hamm brother are trying to make a new life for themselves as pig farmers in Kansas. Far from the city, and all its distractions, getting along is more difficult than ever! Add the pressure of all living in a damp, rotting house filled with mildew, must and mice... How will they survive long enough to thrive? Deciding to build other houses seems to take a bit of pressure off. If only the sinister Otto von Rudolph wasn't pressuring them to sell their claim!
Will they ever learn to get along? Where did the twister come from in the middle of winter?  How is Otto involved? Should they give up and sell?

***This series is suitable for mature young adult through adult listeners (or readers) who enjoy steampunk fantasy fairytales with a dash of horror, romance (though there isn't really any real romance in this particular installment) & plenty of action and adventure :)

View all my reviews

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