Caller 107 by Matthew S. Cox
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Finding The Escape Hatch
This is a stand alone novel.
This was an amazing and angsty story that still managed to be sweet and uplifting. It showcases how badly children of divorce can take their parents using them as a weapon against each other. Natalie was willing to throw everything she had worked so hard for away to pay back some of the pain her parents had caused her. While written about a young adult protagonist, I would not suggest this book as suitable reading material for any but the maturest of young adults as it deals with very serious issues and depicts graphic violence. It was an amazing reading experience filled with plenty of plot twists and a great ending!
Being a child of a very antagonistic divorce has caused Natalie to burn down her old life and look for new "friends" who fit the way she feels inside better than her old ones. She has blown off school and started shoplifting as well as hanging with a "street gang" to hopefully hurt her parents. Them fighting over her like she was some prized piece of property was bad enough... Now her father has abandoned her completely! Does he really not want her anymore because she is a "bad girl" and will ruin his "reputation"? Can she fit in with her new, rougher crowd? Or will she always be a wannabe? Will her parents ever see the damage they have done and the pain they have caused her?
***This book is suitable for incredibly mature young adult through adult readers who enjoy action packed, drama filled, angsty adventures with plenty of violence and a bit of the supernatural :)
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