Sunday, April 9, 2017

Review: The Curse Mandate

The Curse Mandate The Curse Mandate by J.P. Sloan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Not All Truths Are Equal

•••NOT for the homophobic, transphobic, closedminded, or feint of heart!•••

This series must be read in order. The first book is The Curse Merchant. The second book is The Curse Servant. This is the third (and hopefully not final) book. I can't wait to read what he writes next!

Dorian has a reluctant student in Ches. Which would be a lot more awesome if he had any clue whatsoever about what he was doing. A teacher is something he never ever thought he would be! His feelings for Ches just complicate matters even more... Add to that his still missing soul and the Presidium breathing down his neck and you have a great recipe for disaster! Who is the guy with the Glammer that is constantly following him around? And what does he want? Can he find his soul before the Dark Choir or its agents rip him apart? Will he ever get around to helping out at the bar he started with Ben and Julian? Why is Julian so interested in Dorian's occult practices?

***This series is suitable for adult readers who enjoy gritty noir urban fantasies with a humorous antihero who never gives up and never gives in, filled with action, drama, humor, thrills, chills, horror, suspense, mystery, intrigue, mayhem and a dash of romance :)

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Review: The Curse Servant

The Curse Servant The Curse Servant by J.P. Sloan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hunted And Haunted By Shadows And Worse

•••NOT for the homophobic, transphobic, closedminded, or feint of heart!•••

This series must be read in order. The first book is The Curse Merchant. This is the second book. I can't wait to read The Curse Mandate!

Still reeling from the loss of his soul, Dorian finds it hard to trust anyone... Especially anyone female, aside from his bestfriend's wife and daughter, but he has to get over it (and what Carmen did) eventually right? Working on retainer has freed up some of his time to pursue ways to find his missing soul, but to say he is obsessed and preoccupied is putting it mildly! Can Dorian learn to trust again? Should he even try? What is going on that he is missing? Who is making his life more difficult? Will he ever find his soul? Or will he die just like his mentor, ripped apart by the Shadows?

***This series is suitable for adult readers who enjoy gritty noir urban fantasies with a humorous antihero who never gives up and never gives in, filled with action, drama, humor, thrills, chills, horror, suspense, mystery, intrigue, mayhem and a dash of romance :)

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Review: The Curse Merchant

The Curse Merchant The Curse Merchant by J.P. Sloan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hellbound Heart?

•••NOT for the homophobic, transphobic, closedminded, or feint of heart!•••

This series must be read in order. This is the first book. I can't wait to read The Curse Servant!

Dorian is just lost. No matter what he does or where he looks his brain just refuses to focus... It's like living in a fugue state, almost... And on top of that are the crippling migraines he feels whenever he looks at something wrong or thinks just a little too hard. Suffice it to say he can't remember his last good day... Or even a semi decent one for that matter! His business is even suffering, so when an irate woman accosts him and he can't remember her, let alone what he supposedly hexed her with ... He realizes he has to change and start being more present no matter the cost! He is the only charm and hex guy in Charm City after all! It is time he practiced his craft and really started helping Karma along again!

This urban supernatural fantasy is definitely one of a kind! Packed full of mystery and intrigue so dark and twisted it keeps the suspense and thrills amped through the roof! Gritty and dark, the action and adventure only serve as background for the actual storyline. Mainly is is about coming to terms with your Fate and living the best life you can despite the circumstances you have to contend with. We could all learn something from Dorian's no nonsense take charge attitude when dealt a truly rotten hand! I cannot wait to read the next installment of the breath stealing new series!

***This series is suitable for adult readers who enjoy gritty noir urban fantasies with a humorous antihero who never gives up and never gives in, filled with action, drama, humor, thrills, chills, horror, suspense, mystery, intrigue, mayhem and a dash of romance :)

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