Monday, March 14, 2016

Review: Jackaby

Jackaby Jackaby by William Ritter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Seer Detective And His Erstwhile Assistant

This series must be read in order. This is the first book. I can't wait to read The Map!

Abigail Rook has always longed for adventure. Her archaeologist father raised her on stories of discoveries made during grand adventures filled with action all the while forcing her to stay home and be a "proper" girl. When she is meant to go off to college Abigail instead absconds with her University tuition and a badly packed bag off to Ukraine to work on an archaeological dig that turns out to be a bitter disappointment. Eventually she boards a steamer to the New World and ends up in New England with few to no prospects, no money and no idea how to change her luck... But one thing is certain she is not ready to give up on adventure yet! She will find a job it it kills her... No way she is going home to the Marriage Mart and relinquishing her dreams to the staid existence of a matron with brats to look after! Will she fail to find proper lodgings and a job? Will she have to end her adventures and slink back home with her tale between her legs? Or will she at last find some marvelous adventure to bring her all mysteries and action she has always desired?

Enter Jackaby... He is a strange man with an odd reputation largely avoided by womenfolk and police equally. He intrigues and yet disturbs Abigail when they have a chance meeting. Others have not fared well in his employ but yet he still searches for an assistant because his calling is too important to be neglected and while he sees loads of supernatural things the mundane truly escapes him almost entirely. Without a proper assistant he misses vital clues that would help him solve case quickly and with less catastrophic consequences for all involved. He tries to dissuade Ms. Rook when she applies for the position aw his assistant and manages to just intrigue her more. Will she survive working for him? Or will she meet some tragic Fate like all his past assistants? How will they survive this immensely complicated case?

This book was an amazing historical supernatural mystery full of plot twists and unexpected revelations! I loved the absent minded Jackaby and the hyper attentive Ms. Abigail Rook... They really complemented each other and made a superb team. The fact that this was so go shocked and pleased me. It is an amazing debut and I cannot wait to read the next installment!

***This series is suitable for mature young adult through adult readers who enjoy historical supernatural mystery suspense thriller action adventures Sherlockian in nature and full of dry wit and wry humor :)

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